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articular cartilage a subset of hyaline cartilage

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14y ago

The ends of bones (diathrotic) are covered in hyaline cartilage to reduce friction and make them easier to move when lubricated with synovial fluid.

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Q: What is the name of the material that covers the end of bones to reduce friction at joint?
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Which tissues covers the ends of the bones at the joint?

Hyaline cartilage covers the ends of bones in many joints. It provides a slippery surface to reduce friction during bone movement.

Does Articular cartilage increase friction between bones?

Cartilage in joints REDUCE friction.

Does the cartilage reduce friction between bones?

Yes, it does, since it acts as a cushion between the bones

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What type of tissue covers the epiphysis bones and reduces friction in the joints?

Articular cartilage

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Is cartilage slippery?

because it needs to be able to reduce friction between bones

What is the name of the structures that are on the ends of bones to reduce friction where they articulate with other bones?

our joints, which are made up of mainly cartilage.

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What is the difference between a bursa and the joint capsule?

I this its the following: Bursae - located between skin and bones, tendons and bones, muscles and bones, or ligaments and bones - Main function: reduce friction between joints Joint Capsule - surrounds a synovial joint and encloses the synovial cavity - Main function: unite the articulating bones and reduce friction via production of synovial fluid

What is the function of hyaline that covers the articulating surfaces?

absorbs any compression placed on the joint, reduces friction between bones, and prevents the ends of the bones from being crushed

What is the function of hyaline that covers the articulating surface?

absorbs any compression placed on the joint, reduces friction between bones, and prevents the ends of the bones from being crushed