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Q: What is the name of the muscular contractions that breaks down food?
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What is the name for the muscular contractions which push food through the system?

What do muscular contractions have to do with our digestive system?

The muscular contractions move the food, mix it with digestive juices, and bring the digesting food in contact with the mucosa where absorption takes place.

What are Muscular contractions for moving food?

there are muscular contractions in the oesophagus which help to move the food this rhythmic movement is known as PERISTALSIS

Muscular waves or contractions that move food are called?

What is the name For the muscular contractions that move food though the alimentary canal?


Does peristalsis take place in skeletal muscle?

Peristalsis takes place in the oesophagus... It's a series of muscular contractions that pushes food down to the stomach.

What moves food from the mouth by muscular waves?

peristalsis.... the reason why food travels through the esophagus into the stomach is that it is moved along by contractions of smooth muscle surrounding the esophagus. This is known as peristalsis

What breaks down food into what that cells can absorb What breaks down food?

1.) What breaks down food into what that cells can absorb what breaks down food ? The answer is B wich is Digestion . = Lexy.B

How does the food move down toward the stomach?

A series of muscular contractions, which squeeze the alimentary canal, called peristalsis, are what moves food all the way through the alimentary canal, from beginning to end.

What mixes with food and helps it to move through the esophagus?

muscular contractions

In digestion what is the function of the eosophagus?

The esophagus is the muscular tube connecting your mouth to your stomach. The muscles are a special type, smooth muscle tissue which contracts and relaxs without conscious thought. The movement is controlled by nerve tissues ad the contractions move the food along.

Acid breaks down food were?

Acid breaks down the food in the stomach. Pepsin is the enzyme that breaks down the proteins from the food, in the stomach. Highly acidic pH helps to break down the food.