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The Amniotic Sac is the sac that contains the baby.

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Q: What is the name of the sac that contains tha fetus before birth?
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What animals that gives birth to one fetus?

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Fetus is name given to human embryo after it is recognizable as human embryo .

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A fetus is another name for an unborn baby, and growth is how it gets bigger.

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What is another name for a human embryo?

Fetus (Pronounced 'Feetus')I did the names in bold:Oocyte -> fertilization -> Fertilized Ovum-> cleavage (cell division) -> Morula -> Blastocyst -> attachment to Uterine wall -> Implantation -> Embryoblast -> Embryo -> After the first two months of development, the embryo is called a Fetus until birth

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The gestation period for cats varies slightly with the species. During gestation, the fetus develops many characteristics of the adult mammal.

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