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Who knows? I looked it up on the internet, but it just led me back here! Sorry. ;(

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that is a cat faced spider

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Q: What kind of spider is orange with smiley face markings on it's back?
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What kind of spider has a smiley face on its back?

The happy face spider, aka Theridion grallator

What kind of spider is black with gold markings on back?

It is the marbled golden orb weaver.

What spider in dumastexas has an orange back with black diamonds on it's back?

The Orb Weaver is the spider with an orange back and black diamonds on its back. It is not aggressive and not venomous.

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A false widow spider is a spider that is known to have a skull depicted on its back. This spider also has orange legs.

What is the name of the black spider with two red stripes or ovals on its back?

black widow No this isn't a black widow...their red or orange markings are on the spiders belly since Black widows hang under their webs. The best guess is a jumping spider if the markings are visible when the spider is walking around. The Australian Redback Widow is the exception to the rule, it's markings as it's name implies on on the back.

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A wolf spider variation.

What kind of spider has a fat orange body?

It is called the black widow spider (Referred to as the black widow), it is a spider with a strong neurotoxin. With respect to the body size, they have longer legs and smaller abdomen. They are usually dark brown, has yellow stripes, and a yellow hourglass spot.

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a very cute spider

What spider is grey with pink markings back?

some pink crab spiders (Ozyptila praticola) appear grey and pink.

What kind of spider is grey with orange back?

I dunno but i live in St. Louis and i had one with a furry body and a round orange spot on its back. Cant find out the species.....