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It is called Fumanducheese

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Q: What is the name of the under water building being explored by divers?
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Under water building being explored by divers in Egypt?

Shanda Pihhilips

What is the name of building under water explored by divers?

Around the world there are many sites (Greece, Egypt, England, the Black Sea, etc) where buildings have become submerged, although not all of these are at a depth that can be explored by scuba divers.

Why do deep sea divers wear special suit?

To withstand the pressure of being under water.

Why deep sea divers wear special suit?

To withstand the pressure of being under water.

What is the difference of divers and dabblers?

dabblers eat stuff at the surface of the water and divers eat stuff under water

Who explore under water?

Divers explore underwater.

Why do divers hear better under water?

Sound travels faster underwater, but this does not mean that divers hear better underwater. It just means that the sound is heard more quickly.

What kind of watch is Citizen Promaster?

The Citizen Promaster is a divers watch. This is a watch that is designed for not only being waterproof under depth, but also features a unique recharging capacity in any kind of light.

Why cant scuba divers fart under water?

I would call it the Great White Pucker Factor.

Is it weird to imagine living under the sea as a mer-person?

It's not weird to imagine anything --- except maybe being a serial killer! Many people would love to live under the sea and breathe water. That's why there are so many SCUBA divers!

The Louisiana Territory was explored by an expedition under the leadership of what people?

Lewis and Clark

What is freehold building?

A freeholding building is a building that you are allowed to keep as your own under certain regulations. You must perform all maintenance, pay for necessary utilities, and pay for taxes on the building. When these requirements are met the building is yours to keep without fear of it being taken away.