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Q: What is the name of the unleavened bread?
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What does unleavened bread symbolize?

Unleavened bread is bread without yeast. Today it could be tortillias. Yeast used to go bad very quickly an ussually distroyed the bread. Unleavened bread is bread without a flaw, or perfect bread.

What did the disciples dip their unleavened bread in?

they had unleavened bread and wine (which was more like our grape juice than wine now)

What kind of bread was to be eaten by the Israelit es at the last supper?

The Israelis do not celebrate the last supper. The Jews celebrate Passover. At Passover, they set an extra place at the table for an unexpected guest. It will have a glass of wine. There will be a piece of unleavened bread or Matzoh. It is hard as a rock. At least it is thin. If you have a Jewish friend or know a Jewish family, you will be welcome if you drop in for the Passover meal. You may use the empty chair and join the Passover meal. It might be the only time of the year you are welcome to drop in unannounced and eat.

Why do some churches use leavened bread at communion?

Some churches use leavened bread for Communion because they believe the appropriate bread for the Lord's Supper is the common bread of the local community. Other churches use unleavened bread in recognition of the Jewish feast of Passover, which was the occasion at which Jesus first instituted the rite of Communion. Each choice is supported by valid but differing theological viewpoints.

What is the name of a native Indian tribe that starts with the letter B?

Blackfoot is the name of a Native American tribe. It begins with the letter B.