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Tiny Tim.

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Timothy Cratchit is nicknamed "Tiny Tim" in "A Christmas Carol."

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Who was the youngest child in the A Christmas Carol?

It was Timothy Cratchit (Tiny Tim)

What is the named of the little disalbed boy in 'a Christmas carol'?

He was Timothy Cratchit (Tiny Tim)

What is the name of the disabled boy who gets well in A Christmas Carol?

Timothy (tiny Tim ) Cratchit

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The eldest Cratchit daughter in "A Christmas Carol" is Martha.

What is the sick child's name in A Christmas Carol?

The sick child's name in A Christmas Carol is Tiny Tim. He is the youngest son of Bob Cratchit, the clerk who works for Ebenezer Scrooge. Tiny Tim is known for his optimistic outlook on life despite his illness.

What hill does Bob Cratchit slide down in a Christmas carol?

Bob Cratchit slides down Cornhill in Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol."

Who is Tiny Tim?

Based on the categories Tiny Tim is a character from the 1843 Charles Dickens novella "A Christmas Carol". His name was Timothy Cratchit

Who played bob cratchit in a muppet Christmas carol?

Kermit the Frog played Bob Cratchit in "The Muppet Christmas Carol." In the movie, Bob Cratchit is portrayed as a frog, reflecting the Muppet cast.

What is the name of Bob Cratchit's daughter in A Christmas Carol?

Bob Cratchit's daughter in "A Christmas Carol" is named Tiny Tim.

Who was Scrooges up employee Christmas Carol?

Bob Cratchit was Scrooge's loyal and hardworking employee in "A Christmas Carol." Despite Scrooge's mistreatment, Cratchit remained dedicated to his work and family, embodying the spirit of Christmas and kindness.

Who is the best character in A Christmas Carol?

bob cratchit

Who was the first employee in A Christmas Carol?

Bob Cratchit