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Room temperature = 20 degrees centigrades= 32 + 20 x 1.8 F = 68 degrees Fahrenheit

= 20 + 273.15 Kelvin = 293.14 K

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Q: What is the normal room temperature in Fahrenheit and Kelvin?
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What is the standard room temperature in Celsius Fahrenheit and Kelvin?

The standard room temperature in Celsius is 21°c and in Fahrenheit is 70°f or 294k

What is the room temperature of berylium?

The room temperature of anything is the temperature of the room it is in. Beryllium has the following important temperature points. Melting point --- 1560° Kelvin - 1278° Celsius - 2349° Fahrenheit Boiling point --- 2742° Kelvin - 2469° Celsius - 4476° Fahrenheit

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Usually a normal office temperature is a normal room temperature of 72 degrees Fahrenheit.

What temperature in metric is room temperature?

The metric unit of measure for temperature is kelvin. Also, room temperature is genally stated as an average. Room temperature would actually vary from person to person depending on the individuals preferences in that area. I am going to state that room temperature is between 68 degrees fahrenheit (20 degrees celsius) and 78 degrees fahrenheit (25.5556 degrees celsius) in order to give one answer. In this case, the average room temperature in metric measurement would be between 293.15 kelvin and 298.706 kelvin.

What is room temperature?

Room temperature is 72 degrees Fahrenheit. (22.2 C) That seems a bit high for Europe - we prefer 68 degrees. (20 C)the normal temperature of room is 25 celsius.and 298 kelvin68 degrees20-25'c

Is a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius colder than 40 degrees Fahrenheit?

No, as 20 degrees Celsius is about normal room temperature. Temperature Fahrenheit = Temperature Celsius(1.80) + 32

Is copper a metal at room temperature?

Yes. All metals are always metals regardless of temperature. It's a solid at any temperature below 1984 degrees Fahrenheit (1084 Celsius or 1357 Kelvin)

Which is larger a Celsius degree or a Kelvin?

Hi when dealing with the kelvin scale the numbers will be larger than in celsius because when you are converting from celsius to kelvin you need to add 273.15 on to the temperature in celsius. This is because zero celsius is 273.15 kelvin.

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The normal phrase of phosphorus is thymine. Phosphorus is nonmetallic and is generally solid at room temperature, and has a melting point of 373 degrees Kelvin.

What is a normal temperature in Fahrenheit?

Room temperature is around 70°F so anything colder could be called "cold". A refrigerator usually is below 45°F and water freezes at 32°F so between those temperatures water certainly is cold.

What is the normal phase for the element lead?

the normal phase of silver is the average temperature of the human body. 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit

What is room temperature in kelvin?

If we assume "room temperature" to be 25 °C (77 °F) then that would equate to 298.15 K. Different areas assume different standard "room temperature" - but it usually falls between 20 °C (293.15 K) and 30 °C (303.15 K)