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There are three nouns. People, group, and questions are nouns. Questions is a plural noun.

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Q: What is the noun in this sentence Some people in the group ask questions?
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Is this a question or is this a sentence?

That is a kind of sentence called a question. This is a kind of sentence called a statement: Some people ask silly questions.

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Some of the questions people ask on wiki answers are amusing. I think they way she dances is amusing.

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I do what I want to do. But do you know how to do that? Some people don't like answering questions, but we do. What do you think?

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Because thousands of questions are asked and it's just a small group of volunteers that answer them all. We're not paid and it's very difficult with some of the questions people ask.

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Omg some people ask really weird questions how can u be so weird lmao ; )

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Anyone can answer questions on WikiAnswers. So some people who answer them are knowledgeable, and some are not.

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Some of these questions leave me dazed and confused.

Can you give an example of sentence using several?

There are several strange questions asked on Several kinds of people live in this world.Some are good and some are not.

What is a sentence fragment and a mistake that causes it?

A sentence fragment is an incomplete sentence. The mistake that causes sentence fragments is failure to be fully aware of what you are saying (or writing). I often see sentence fragments on this site. Some people post questions that look like this: Why do horses? How did it? Do they really? And so forth.

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Some users on WikiAnswers put in some painstaking work into answering questions.

Why is it that sometimes this site can not answer your questions?

It is not the site that can not answer some of your questions it is the people.

Make a sentence with the word unreasonable?

Some of the questions asked here are 'unreasonable'.