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Q: What is the number of chromosomes in each cell at the beginning of Mitosis?
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When a cell divides by mitosis how is the chromosome number affected?

In the beginning of mitosis the number of chromosomes double. But since during mitosis the chromosomes are divided between the two daughter cells the number of chromosomes at the end is the same number as the beginning before doubling.

How many pairs of chromosomes after mitosis?

There are 46 chromosomes after mitosis. It stays the same from the beginning.

How many chromosones are visible at the beginning of mitosis?

These answers are, well, misguided. The number of chromosomes visible at the beginning of mitosis is whatever the full complement of chromosomes is for that organism. In humans, it would be 46. As mitosis proceeds, these are replicated to 92, but at the very beginning of mitosis you would still have the diploid number.

What can you say about the number of chromosomes received by each daughter cells after mitosis?

The number of chromosomes that each daughter cell has after mitosis is equal to the number of chromosomes in the original (parent) cell.

How many chromosomes are in each cell after mitosis?

Mitosis produces two cells that have the same number of chromosomes as the original (parent) cell. For example, a human cell has 46 chromosomes - so after mitosis each cell will have 46 chromosomes.

In mitosis how many chromosomes are in each daughter cell?

It depends on the species--humans, for example, will have 46 chromosomes in each daughter cell after mitosis, while a dog will have 78. In mitosis, the number of chromosomes in each daughter cell is equal to the number of chromosomes in the interphase parent cell.

Final number of chromosomes in mitosis?

There are going to be half the amount of the original chromosomes that were in each cell to begin with. So therefore there are going to be 4 chromosomes in each daughter cell at the end of mitosis..Actually there will be 2 chromosomes, in each daughter cell at the end of mitosis!

If a cell has 46 chromosomes at the beginning of mitosis then at the end of anaphase there would be a total of?

46 chromosomes

If a cell ordinarily has 8 chromosomes how many will it have during mitosis and how many will its daughter cells have after mitosis?

If the cell has 8 chromosomes, it should have 8 at the very beginning of mitosis. However during the interphase, specifically the S phase, the chromosomes are duplicated which means that for most of the cell cycle, the cell has 16 chromosomes. However after the cells splits, each daughter cells is left with 8 chromosomes, which is identical to the number of chromosomes in the original parent cell. Hope this helps!

How many chromosomes are in a daughter cell After mitosis in a human cell?

Mitosis always yields the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell. In humans, 23.

How many chromosomes are in each cell formed after mitosis?

Mitosis produces daughter cells with the same number of chromosomes as the original cell - so human cells produced by mitosis will have 46 chromosomes.

How many chromosomes are left after mitosis?

The number of chromosomes that are left after mitosis is 46 in the human cell. Mitosis will just duplicate the chromosomes in the new cell and not get rid of the old ones.