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Two daughter cells are produced during mitosis.

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Q: What is the number of daughter cell produced by amitosis?
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How many daughter cell are produced in mitosis and amitosis?

2 cells are produced by mitosis and 4 by amitosis.

What is an amitosis?

Amitosis is a type of cell division that occurs without the formation of a mitotic spindle and without the typical separation of the nucleus or cytoplasm. It is a rare form of cell division that is primarily observed in bacteria and some cells of lower eukaryotes. Amitosis does not contribute to genetic variation as it results in the formation of identical daughter cells.

What is the difference between daughter cells produced by mitosis and daughter cells produced by mitosis?

Amitosis is nuclear division occurring without symmetry, and as such is a rather random type of division with without proper structure. Mitosis and Meiosis do differ in the number of daughter cells, mitosis with 2 and meiosis with 4. This, however, is also not a fair comparison, as mitosis and meiosis result in different types of cells.

When a cell undergroes mitosis how many daughter cell are produced?

Two identical daughter cells are produced.

How many daughter cell can be produced through mitosis cell?

Mitosis that is an Equational division in which one cell divide into two daughter cells having same chromosome number.

What are the types of cell division?

Amitosis,Mitosis and Meiosis

Do the daughter cells produced during mitosis have the same exact number of chromosomes as the parent cell?

Yes They do.Mitosis divides the cell into two identical daughter cells.

3 parts of the cell cycle?

Mitosis,Meiosis,and Amitosis

How many chromosomes does each cell have compared to an original cell?

Daughter cells produced by mitosis and cytokinesis have the same number of chromosomes as the original cell. Daughter cells resulting from meiosis and cytokinesis have half the number of chromosomes as the original cell.

How do the daughter cells produced by mitosis compare the the original cell?

The daughter cells are identical to the original cell.

Is the parent cell diploid a characteristic of meiosis not mitosis?

Mitosis starts with a diploid parent cell and ends with two diploid daughter cells. Meiosis starts with a diploid parent cell and ends with haploid daugther cells. The number of cells produced depends on the type of gamete being generated.

Which best describes the daughter cells produced by mitosis?

The daughter cells produced by mitosis and cytokinesis are genetically identical.