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Q: What is the only thing on earth that can be all 3 states of solid liquid gas?
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What states can dry ice be found in?

Solid. Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide( what you mainly breath out) , it is like asking: what states are there for steam? Steam is defined as water as a gas, the same kind of thing is with dry ice exept it's a solid for carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide can be solid, liquid or gas, the solid is made by making the gas a liquid by compression then to a solid by freezing.

What is one thing that helps keep earth warm?

Aside from the sun, one thing that helps keep the earth warm is something called the "heat of fusion" not to be confused with nuclear fusion, as the earth's core and mantle slowly solidify, turning from a liquid into a solid, heat is released in the same way that heat is released when water turns from a liquid to a solid. On geological scales, this process helps keep the earth's interior warm.

What is the only thing that can be a solid liquid or gas?


What does the three states of matter mean?

The three states of matter is solid, liquid, and gas and solid mean thick it has definite shape, mass, and other thing i forgotLiquid means that it has the shape of it's containerGas is the air we breathe

Is porridge asolid state or liquid?

It is a the soup is the liquid and the other thing is a solid.

What has solid liquid and gas forms?

All material things (except helium ... no solid form known - yet).

Is melts and dissolves the same thing?

melt is when a solid changes into a liquid. Dissolve is when a solid becomes incorporated into a liquid so as to form a solution.

Is coke a liquid thing?

State of matter?

These include liquid, solid, gas, and plasma.

Is the ooze solid or liquid?

Booze is a liquid liquor, Ozone is a toxic (elemental) gas O3

What is the meaning of solid and liquid thing?

A solid thing is a thing which has closely packed and attractive particles and which have a particular volume and shape which makes it incompressible . E.g:- Football , wall of a building etc. Whereas , a liquid has less closely packed and less attractive particles as compered to solid . Liquid have a particular volume but no shape . They are compressible . E.g:- Water , oil etc.

17 lbs solid weight equals solid quarts?

There is no such thing as solid weight. All matter on Earth has weight whether it is solid, liquid or gas. There is also no such thing as a solid quart. A quart is a measure of volume usually applied to liquids or granulated substances such as flour or sugar. The volume of solid objects is usually measured in cubic centimeters or cubic inches. The volume of a given solid object will vary inversely with its density. The denser it is, the smaller it will be.