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Q: What is the opposite of risk?
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What is the opposite of safety?

danger, risk, hazard

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reckless behavior risk taking

What is the opposite of immure?

Susceptible- if you are "susceptible" you are at risk of being affected by something.

What would happen if the cables touch the opposite posts?

You risk frying the electronics.

Is hazardous an antonym?

Yes. Hazardous is opposite of safety. Safety having no danger where hazardous is a risk or danger.

What is the opposite of delta?

A delta in mathematical terms usually signifies a small change (usually additional value) to an existing number. The opposite to addition is subtraction, and therefore a negative change. In management terms, anything that increases the value or length or uncertainty of programmes is called a risk (equivalent to a delta), and the opposite to a risk is called an opportunity. Thus, the nearest equivalent opposite to delta is either a negative delta (mathematical language) or opportunity (in management terms).

What is the opposite of a delta?

A delta in mathematical terms usually signifies a small change (usually additional value) to an existing number. The opposite to addition is subtraction, and therefore a negative change. In management terms, anything that increases the value or length or uncertainty of programmes is called a risk (equivalent to a delta), and the opposite to a risk is called an opportunity. Thus, the nearest equivalent opposite to delta is either a negative delta (mathematical language) or opportunity (in management terms).

What is the opposite to safe?

At risk; exposed; unsafe; unprotected; unguarded; vulnerable; insecure; harmful; dangerous.

Why is it important to study about reproduction?

So that you understand your body, and the body if the opposite sex. Also to teach you about the risk of diseases and pregnancy from sex.

Can I take naproxen with heart medication?

NO! Just the opposite is true, naproxen raises blood pressure, heart rate and overall coronary risk by 50%.

What does a person need a shingles vaccine for?

It does the opposite of making you immune; it puts you at higher risk for developing shingles as your immune system weakens with age. You do need a vaccine.

Your boyfriend and you want to live in Dubai together how do you go about it legally?

Get Married. Seriously. It is a crime to co-habitate with a person of the opposite sex to whom you are not related. Do not risk it.