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identify two pH values at which salivary amylase activity stop?

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12y ago
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12y ago

The optimum pH for amylase is a bit lower than 7, say about 6.9 or 6.8.

The temperature is normal body temperature at 37 degrees Celsius.

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Q: What is the opitmal pH for salivary amylase?
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What pH does it acts salivary amylase works best in?

About 7.4 pH.

At what pH did you see the highest activity of salivary amylase?

pH of about 7

What pH does salivary amylase function best?

The optimum pH of salivary amylase is 6.8 (slightly acidic).

Does acid and base pH value has salivary amylase stops?

Yes,amylase work best in neutralized medium.

How is salivary amylase active in the stomach?

Amylase is not active in the stomach, the environment is too acidic. This is why the pancrease produces and secretes amylase into the duodenum after food leaves the stomach, to replace the amylase secreted by salivary glands and denatured by stomach acid.

Does salivary amylase contain sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate?

No, absolutely not, it will not 'work' in alkaline (basic) solution. Salivary amylase (ptyalin) inactivates rapidly outside of its optimum pH 5.6-6.9

Does the optimum pH of salivary amylase differ from plant amylase?

Yes. Some plants are found to have amylase as well, such as those plants with high levels of starch, and they are the same types of amylase.

What is the Site of production of Pancreatic amylase?

The salivary amylase works mostly in the mouth and in the esophagus. Once it reaches the stomach, the high pH denatures the salivary amylase and cannot be used. However, once the food reaches the duodenum the pancreas releases pancreatic amylase to continually digest carbohydrates.

What is the effect of mercury chloride on salivary amylase activity?

It will denature salivary amylase

What are the best conditions in pH for amylase protese and lipase?

Amylase has an optimal pH range of 6.7 - 7.0 and an optimal temperature of around 37 degrees Celsius or 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. This is what would be expected of an enzyme that needs to be in its most active form in the saliva of the mouth.

What is the secretion of salivary glands?

salivary amylase

Salivary amylase breaks down starches?

breakdown of amylase and amylopectin into disaccharides and trisaccharides