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Q: What is the oxidation state of aluminum in aluminum fluoride?
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What is the oxidation number for alf3?

This is a levis acid.Al Shows the +3 as theoxidation number.

Why is SnF2 stannous fluoride?

because tin is in +2 oxidation state (lower oxidation state of tin)

What is the most likely oxidation state of Al?

The highest oxidation state which can be achieved by any element is +8. After all experiments, this state is only found in Osmium, Ruthenium and Xenon. But the synthetic element Hassium is also expected to have this oxidation state.

Is fluoride an oxidation of fluoride?

No, The fluoride ion is a reduced form of fluorine.

What is the most likely oxidation state of aluminum (Al)?


What is the oxidation state for aluminum?

The most common are 0 and 3+.

What is the oxidation number of fluoride?


Symbol for aluminum fluoride?

* * * * *

How many atoms are in 1.46 moles of aluminum fluoride?

1,46 moles of aluminum fluoride contain 35,16848.10e23 atoms.

What is the oxidation number of florine?

0 in elemental form, -1 in fluoride. Fluorine doesnt have any other oxidation number.

What is the scientific name for AlF3?

The fullest correct name is monoaluminum trifluoride. It is often called more simply aluminum trifluoride, or even aluminum fluoride.

What is the change in oxidation number of aluminum in the reaction of aluminum with oxygen gas to make aluminum oxide?

From '0' to '3'. Elemental aluminium is in oxidation state zero (0). When it combines with oxygen to form aluminium oxide , it 'looses' its three outermost electrons to oxygen. Hence aluminium metal becomes the aluminium cation (Al^3+), which is oxidation state '3'.