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available chlorine-30%-40%

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Q: What is the percentage of available chlorine bleaching powder?
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What percentage of chlorine in fresh bleaching powder is?

30 -35

What is meant by available chlorine in bleaching powder?

Usually it relates to hypochlorites content in the product. Available chlorine is the quantity of chlorine that can hypothetically be produced by reaction of bleaching powder with hydrochloric acid. Greater the available chlorine is - greater oxidation ability the bleaching powder has. For example, available chlorine 5% means that fixed amount of something can be oxidized by (100/5)X=20X grams of bleaching powder and the same can be done with only X grams of pure chlorine.

What is available chlorine?

The quantity of chlorine released by a bleaching powder when treated with acid.

What is the oxilation state of chlorine in bleaching powder caocl2?

The oxidation state of chlorine in bleaching powder would be zero.

How is the available chlorine in bleaching powder estimated?

Here are some methods used for discovering how much chlorine is in bleaching powder: Penot's method and Bunsen and Wagner's method.

Is HClO also called available chlorine when water is disinfected using bleaching powder?


Why do bleaching powder smell strongly like chlorine?

Bleaching powder is mostly chlorine so it smells like it. It has very strong bleaching (removing color) abilities and destroys most bacteria.

What is the oxidation state of chlorine in bleaching powder?

+1 and -1

Name the substance which on treatment with chlorine yields bleaching powder?

What will happen if bleaching powder reacts with dil sulfuric acid?

When Bleaching Powder is treated with excess Dil. H2SO4, Cl2 is produced. CaOCl2 + H2SO4 ----> CaSO4 + H2O + Cl2 CaOCl2 + 2HCl --------> CaCl2 + H2O + Cl2 Chlorine gas produced in this way is known as available chlorine.

What will be the products when bleaching powder reacts with carbon dioxide?

When carbon Di-oxide reacts with Bleaching powder it produces chlorine gas. That is why we do not use carbon Di-oxide for fighting the bleaching powder fire. A.K.Sharotri

Why bleaching powder is kept in air tight containers?

On standing in the open air bleaching powder react with carbon dioxide produce chlorine gas. As a result the activity or bleaching property of bleaching powder is reduced. So it is kept in a closed container.