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The Wooly Mammoth lived in the Pleistocene Period.

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Q: What is the period of mammoths?
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When was the mammoth around?

the mammoths were in the quarternary period

Were mammoths alive in the cretacous period?

In short, no. The Cretaceous period ended 65.5 million years ago, and mammoths first evolved about 5 million years ago.

What period did the woolly mammoths live in?

Mammoths lived during the Pleistocene series, which is part of the Quaternary system, and that is part of the Cenozoic Era.

When did the ancestral mammoths live?

The earliest known ancestors of the mammoths existed about 4.5 million years ago. This was during the late Neogene. The Neogene is the second period of the Cenozoic era.

When did ancestral mammoths live?

The earliest known ancestors of the mammoths existed about 4.5 million years ago. This was during the late Neogene. The Neogene is the second period of the Cenozoic era.

What period did mammoths live in?

I'm not exactly sure, but they came after the dinosaurs, and are famous for the ice age.

What animals lived in the quarternary time period?

saber-tooths,homo-sapiens,wooly mammoths,etc.

How many offspring do woolly mammoths have?

Woolly mammoths could have only had one calf at a time. Because of the long gestation period, a female mammoth would probably one have a few calves in her lifetime.

Are elephants not mammoths?

Elephants are less hairy than mammoths and do not posses such large tusks. Elephants are not extinct, while mammoths are.

How long did mammoths live for?

The mammoths lived for 100,000000 of years but a mammoths lived for 80 years

Why are people saving mammoths?

They are not - mammoths were dinosaurs and are extinct

Did mammoths eat other animals?

No mammoths were vegetarians.