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Loyalists support the leaders, patriots defend their country. During the American Revolution Loyalists supported the rule of the English King while Patriots wanted a new government for the colonies (they were not states yet).

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Q: What is the political difference between patriots and loyalists?
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Why were the Loyalists important?

The Loyalists first tried to prevent the American Revolution. During the war there were there were battles between the Patriots and the Loyalists. Had they succeeded, their effect on history would have been substantial. As it is, their effect was largely to prolong the war.

What is the background difference between patriots and loyalists?

The background differences between patriots and loyalists changed during the war. In the early days, the loyalists in the South and Mid Atlantic States were the people on the sea islands and the tidewater region. The king also had the loyalty of the Scottish settlers and the religious people. Likewise the king also had a number of land owners and merchants behind him. The Patriots consisted of people on the frontier, who did not like it that British officials sold guns to the indians. Many common people opposed the British. Smaller merchants and smaller land holders opposed the British. In other words, the people who had difficulty paying British taxes or faced Indian raids opposed the British.In New England, when the King closed the port of Boston, and the British army burned the city of Charleston, the British lost the people of New England. The King created Patriots.In Virginia, when the British burned the town of Norfolk Virginia, the King created Patriots out of the citizens of Virginia, North Carolina, and Maryland.When the King demanded that for anyone to buy or sell anything he had to wear a piece of paper in his hat band or hold it in his hand, the religious leaders had a field day. The religious leaders called it, "The Mark of the Beast," and the king, "The Antichrist." Those terms were taken from Revelation in the Bible. With that, the king turned a large group of Loyalists into Patriots. Even the non-religious did not want to fight for Satan.As time went on, the British managed to turn Loyalists into Patriots.

What is the difference between the US and the Nazis?

none ___ The United States is a country, the Nazis were a political party, not a country.

What is the difference between North American and US?

What is the difference between North American and US?AnswerCanada.

What did the Committees of Correspondence do for the Patriots?

The committees of correspondence were bodies organized by the local governments of the Thirteen colonies before the American Revolution for the purposes of coordinating written communication between and outside of the colonies. These served an important role in the Revolution, by disseminating the colonial interpretation of British actions between the colonies and to foreign governments. The committees of correspondence rallied opposition on common causes and established plans for collective action. The group of committees was the beginning of what later became a formal political union among the colonies.

Related questions

What is the difference between a loyalist a patriot?

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What were the sabotages between Loyalists and Patriots?

The patriots tarred and feathered the loyalists. They also ruined loyalist houses.

When was the war between patriots versus the loyalists?

The patriots and loyalists technically fought during the Revolutionary war. Although the war was mostly patriots vs Britain, the loyalists and patriots fought. One example Is Kings Mountain.

What is the difference between loyalists and patriots?

'Loyalists' were loyal to the Crown of England. 'Patriots' supported the war for independence during the time of the American Revolution. Loyalist were fighting under command of British. While, the Patriots aka rebels fought for there independence.

What was the difference between the loyalists and the patriots?

The Loyalists were colonist who were loyal to England. They wanted to stay with England. The Patriots on the other hand were colonist who wanted to break away from England and be free and have their independence. (Fun Fact: Put 5,318,008 in a calculator. Then turn it upsides down :)

How could people tell the difference between patriots and loyalists?

Unless someone was trying to hide their true feelings, as many felt the need to do, the loyalists professed support of the English Crown and military and the so-called Patriots were for independence, or at least local control of taxation.

What is the difference between a patriot and a loyalist?

Neutral ^ that's wrong loyalist is someone who was loyal to Great Brittan and a patriot was someone who was against Great Brittan. After the Revolutionary war the patriots won and that is how the 13 colonies became the USA.

What is the difference between patriots and loyalists from the 1700's?

During the Revolutionary war the people who lived in the colonies (U.S.) either sided with the King and staying under English rule - Loyalists - or they supported those who wrote the Declaration of Independence determined to become a free nation - Patriots.

What were two sides that colonists had to choose between during the revolution?

loyalists and patriots

What are some similar facts between patriots and loyalists?

they both wore red

What were the different between the loyalists and the patriots?

Loyalists were those in support of the British Parliament (loyal to Britain) during the American Revolution. Patriots were in support of America's independence (rebels) and fought the British.

When did colonial politics begin?

I mean the first political party ever was the federalists but really people started taking sides on these things with the revolutionary war between the loyalists and the patriots.