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who's the political view of the founding father. (john Locke, baron de Montesquieu

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Q: What is the political founding fathers john Locke baron de montesqvieu?
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How did john Locke influence the founding fathers?

John Locke was political philosopher and a proponent of natural law, and limited government. These two ideas that greatly influenced the Founding Fathers. Locke's ideas are reflected in both the Declaration of Independence, and the US Constitution.

Who or what influenced our founding fathers when writing the Constitution?

John Locke, mostly. He stole the ideas from a lot of other philosophers but he is the one credited with the influence for the Constitution.

How did john Locke inspire the Founding Fathers?

john Locke was political philosopher and a proponent of natural law, and limited government. These two ideas that greatly influenced the Founding Fathers. Locke's ideas are reflected in both the Declaration of Independence, and the US Constitution.

Who influenced the US Constitution?

john Locke was the major influence on the founding fathers of the enlightenment.if you need more info, shoot me an e-mail.=D

Why did the founding fathers like Locke's theory of the Social Contract?

They liked his theory because it made people more civilized.

What did Locke think of monarchies and the sovereign rights of kings?

ideas on gov were strongly influential in the thinking of the founding fathers of the us

Who was influenced by john Locke?

Thomas Jefferson and those who drafted the Declaration of Independence as well as the Constitution. The American Founding Fathers essentially.

Who had the same ideas as John Locke?

John Locke was an inspiration to the founding fathers of America. He influenced the American Revolution and the French Revolution. He especially influenced Thomas Jefferson's writing of the Declaration of Independence.

How did the ideas of Montesquieu and Locke influence the Founding Fathers?

John Locke influenced the constitution by a lot of hid ideas. They (his ideas) were widely accepted by the founding fathers. He influenced our Bill of Rights because he said the government should protect your rights. The electing our president and other officials was his idea of consent of the governed. He also had the idea for limited government which was how our government started out.

Who said unless the Constitution provided a method for peaceful removal from office the people would provide a violent removal or something similar?

The author you are looking for is the British political philosopher John Locke in his book the Social Contract. He was quoted and highly regarged by the founding fathers.

What was the position of John Locke regarding money and commerce?

John Locke is not especially known for his economic writings. And, his political positions are often said to have guided the Founding Fathers of the new "America:. Nevertheless Locke wrote that money is the measure of commerce and therefore should be as steady as possible. The problem is that if currencies are backed by gold and or silver, this may create a problem as both metals are subject to change based on market conditions.

How did John Locke die?

The English philosopher, John Locke, devoted himself to his work. He never married or had children. Locke passed away on October 28, 1704. His ideas and writings had a big influence on many people including the Founding Fathers of the United States.