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could be scabies...if the blisters pop and realease a water like substance then i hit the bullseye

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Q: What is the possible sickness with blisters all over the body?
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Can you have shingles on the inside of your body and not on the outside?

It can outbreak all over the body and happen again

Can a person infect another with chickenpox if they have unopened blisters?

Yes, chickenpox is contagious from before the blisters show up until all blisters are scabbed over. It is contagious with both closed and open blisters.

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The Side effects of the black death were; Chills and tiredness Blisters over the body Black Weals in the armpit and groin then DEATH

How do you deal with blisters when running a marathon?

Avoid them in the first place. There is a great new product called Body Wax that has the consistency of a melted candle; rub it all over your toes and arches and you will get no blisters. Vaseline, very liberally applied, works almost as well.

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What are the early signs of chickenpox in a 6 month old who has been exposed to someone with shingles?

Basically the basic signs of chicken pox includes fever, body aches and malaise and the usual blisters that usually all over the body.

How do complete last story in sonic adventure 2 battle?

hit the blisters on the final hazards body. If you are low on rings and can't survive,go under or over the final hazard.

What is wrong have been to the vet they don't know why he has scabs all over his body?

the cat is licking its self to hard or the cat could have a a very bad sickness

Should you break open large poison ivy blisters?

blisters should not be popped, once you pop blisters you are allowing the possibility of germs infecting the softer tissue underneath.

Can you have morning sickness before implantation?

Morning sickness is there once you are pregnant, so for over nine months you will not have your period.

Do you get fever blisters when pregnant?

Fever blisters / cold sores usually occur when the body is run down by stress or when you're out in the heat or sun, or cold weather for long periods of time. Pregnancy can put some stress on your body so that could trigger a few break outs. Just treat them with some over the counter cold sore creams. FYI they won't do any harm to the baby.

Popping blisters good or bad?

The fluid in the blister is contagious and the blisters can spread to other parts of the face.