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The probability is 0.375

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Q: What is the probability of getting exactly 2 heads by flipping 3 coins?
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What is the probability of flipping 4 coins and getting 3 tails?

If they are fair coins, the probability is 0.25

What is the probability of flipping 3 coins and getting all heads or tails?

The probabilty of you flipping 3 coins and getting all heads or tails is 0.125 or 1/8.

What is the probability of flipping 5 coins and getting all tails?

The probability of getting all tails is 1/25 = 1/32

What is the probability of flipping four coins and getting four heads?

0.54 or 0.0625 or 1/16.

If you Flip four coins at once what is probability of 2 head and 3 tail?" The probability of flipping four coins and getting 2 heads and 3 tails is ZERO 2 heads and 3 tails requires flipping FIVE coins.

What is the probability of flipping three tails when three coins are flipped?

The probability of flipping three tails with three coins is (1 in 2)3 or 1 in 8 or 0.125.

The probability of flipping a coin three times and getting two heads is?

There are 8 permutations of flipping a coin 3 times, or of flipping 3 coins one time. They are, with the permutations of two heads bolded...TTTTTHTHTTHHHTTHTHHHTHHH... thus, the probability of flipping a coin 3 times and getting 2 heads is 3 in 8, or 0.375.

What is the probability of flipping no heads when you flip three identical coins?

The probability of flipping one coin and getting tails is 1/2. In order to find the probability of multiple events occurring, you find the product of all the events. For 3 coins the probability of getting tails 3 times is 1/8 because .5 x .5 x .5 = .125 or 1/8.

What is the probability of getting exactly 220 coins with head when you toss 400 coins?

It is 0.00540 approx.

What is the probability of flipping 91 coins and getting a head 91 times in a row?

The probability of flipping 91 coins and getting a head 91 times in a row is 1/291 or (1/2)91 or 4.039E-28. The (1/2)91 is when there is exactly 91 coin tosses or n = 91. As the number of trials increases so does the probability of at least 1 run of length 91. The average number of coin flips to see 91 in a row is 4.951760157141521e+27

When tossing 2 coins the probability of getting exactly 1 tail is .?


What is the probability of flipping three coins and getting one head followed by one tail by one head?

1/8 or 12.5%