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Q: What is the process of finding a Quantity obtained by repeated additions of specified quantity a specified number of times?
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Any quantity obtained by multiplication is?

This quantity is referred to as the PRODUCT.

What is a quantity obtained by multiplication?

A product.

A physical quantity described by both magnitude and direction is called what?

A physical quantity that is specified by both magnitude and direction is a vector by definition.

What is the defition of root?

In Mathematics, it can mean a number or quantity that when multiplied by itself, typically a specified number of times, gives a specified number or quantity. It can be short for square root or it can be a value of an unknown quantity satisfying a given equation.

How do you measure one fifth of water?

You have not specified the quantity of water. You cannot measure one fifth of an unspecified quantity.

What is a physical quantity that is specified by both size and distance?

a vector

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the solubility of a solute is the maximum quantity of solute that can dissolve in a certain quantity of solvent or quantity of solution at a specified temperature.

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The fraction is 140p. If you require it as a fraction of some other quantity then it might help if you specified that other quantity.

What is a result obtained by dividing one quantity by another?

Their quotient.

What is a quantity that is specified by size and direction?

. Velocity Acceleration

What is the scientific definition of yield?

Yield is the quantity of product obtained from a reaction.

What is a homophone for route?

Root: the part of a plant that attaches it to the ground; the basic cause, source, or origin of something; a number or quantity that when multiplied by itself, typically a specified number of times, gives a specified number or quantity