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Homeostasis works to stop blood flow when there is a break in the blood vessel.

First there is platelet plug formation where leukocytes of white blood cells stick and clot to block the blood from pouring out.

Second there are vascular spasms caused by serotonin releases from the platelets and the blood vessel muscles spasm's work to decrease blood loss

Lastly there is coagulation (most complicated), its where the injured tissues release thromboplastin and that reacts with PF3(aka phospholipids) to make a clotting cascade. Eventually prothrombin activator converts prothrombin to thrombin(an enzyme that really sticky) and thrombin and fibrinogen make fibrin which eventually forms a net (like a mesh) to clot blood

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Q: What is the process of hemostasis?
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No, that which you mean is hemostats. Homeostasis refers to the maintenance of constant favourable internal environment inside the living body.

What Hemostasis is?

Hemostasis means control of bleedingit is constant internal chemical composition

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coagulation would proceed more slowly

What is the difference between primary hemostasis and secondary hemostasis in blood coagulation?

Primary hemostasis is the overall sequence of events that leads to the formation of a platelet plug, while Secondary hemostasis is the signal transduction pathway that leads to the formation of fibrin. Secondary Hemostasis is always a part of Primary hemostasis, but involves many clotting factors and other signaling molecules that are specific to the formation of fibrin

What are the steps involved in the process of hemostasis?

1. vascular spasm 2. platelet phase 3. coagulation 4. retraction 5. fibrinolysis

Does hemostasis means blood formation?

Hemostasis means control of blood flow. Hematopoeisis means blood formation.