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Two eggs can't be fertilized by a single sperm.

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A single sperm can't fertilize two eggs.

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Q: What is the process when a woman releases two eggs and both eggs are fertilized by the same sperm?
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How do fraternal twins form?

The woman's body releases 2 eggs instead of one, and both get fertilized.

How do fraternal twins do?

The woman's body releases 2 eggs instead of one, and both get fertilized.

When is the only time you can fertilize a woman?

You can only fertilize a woman when she is not on her Menstrual Cycle; once the sperm meets the egg, you have fertilized.

You dont use condome why are you not preg?

Sometimes a woman's egg doesnt get fertilized by the sperm. So your not pregnant.

What is it called when they take the male out of the male sperm to inject into the woman?

If the man gave the semen sample by masturbating, it's called IUI. If the sperm was removed surgically, that removal procedure is called MESA. Then a sperm is injected through an egg removed in an egg retrieval via a process called ICSI, and the fertilized embryo is put into the woman. That process as a whole is called IVF, but IVF doesn't always include ICSI.

Does the egg select the sperm or does an egg always become fertilized in the presence of sperm?

The sperm has to fertilise the egg. sometimes one gets through, others they don't. Obviously if the sperm gets through then the woman is pregnant

Which type of twins develop from two fertilized eggs?

Twins from different eggs are fraternal twins. They are siblings with the same birthdate. They are twins, but not identical, and can even be girl and boy. It is the same process taking place as a single child that a woman becomes pregnant with, but the process happens with two children at the same time. The woman releases two eggs that month instead of one, and they both are fertilized. That is how this type of twin is produced.

How can a woman produce eggs to concieve?

no. women are born with all eggs they need. however, if an egg gets fertilized, the woman will reproduce offspring. (aka children)

My husband's grandmother was a twinWhat is the chance of me having twins?

The mans family history has nothing to do with twins or no twins....twins occur when a) the woman releases two mature eggs and they both get fertilized by two sperm or b) one mature egg is fertilized by one sperm and then that fertilized egg splits. One thing the man does contribute is the sex of the baby. A babies sex is solely determined by the father....not the mother.

Why some men release sperms before sex?

Its called premature sperm. Its when a man releases sperm earlier than the woman during sexual intercourse.

How does a pregnant women have twins?

There are two ways a woman can have twins. One way is that a woman releases two eggs when she ovulates. When her and her partner have sex, both of the eggs become fertilized. The other way is after a woman has sex and the egg is fertilized, it divides in half. When the egg divides in half, this is when you get identical twins.

Are 80 of a woman's fertilized eggs flushed away during menstruation?

No, 80 fertilized eggs are not flushed away during mestruation. If an egg is actually fertilized by a sperm cell, it will embed itself and grow in the woman's uterus while developing into a baby. This is why a woman will not get her period if she is pregnant. The reason a woman experiences menstraution is because the egg her ovary released was not fertilized and the lining of her uterus (which would have been the "home" for the fertilized egg) is not needed. This lining (mostly blood) and the unfertilized egg are shed during menstruation.Therefore, every "period" a woman has represents at least one unfertilized egg being discarded by the body. During a woman's life, she will have around 450 periods. However, a woman is born with up to 500,000 eggs, and the 450 periods she has represent only a fraction of her eggs that achieved maturity (meaning mature enough to be fertilized), a process controlled by hormones.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Actually the above answer is not true. It is completely possible for a woman's body to rinse out fertilized eggs via her period.Ovulation occurs at the halfway point during a woman's menstrual cycle. The average cycle is 28 days, so average ovulation is day 14. Ovulation is when the body releases one egg to be fertilized. Since sperm can live in the cervix up to 5 days, it's possible for a woman to get pregnant when she isn't ovulating.Once an egg is fertilized in the fallopian tubes, it has to travel to the uterus. It can take 5-10 days for this to happen. Because many women can start their periods while this process is taking place, and most due, it flushes the fertilized eggs out of the body onto sanitary napkins. Because it's impossible for scientists to determine how often this happens, it's estimated between 60 and 80 percent of fertilized eggs.What stops the woman's period is the fertilized egg that has entered the uterus. That is when pregnancy officially begins---------------------------------------------------------------------------The second answer is more likely to be right because George Carlin uses that fact when he is debating about abortion.