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Q: What is the product of Chlorhexidine and Sodium Hypochorite. C22 H30 Cl2 N10 plus Na O Cl plus H2O equals. Air might also effect the reaction...?
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Is sodium chloride same as chlorhexidine?

Sodium chloride and chlorhexidine are very different compounds.

Is sodium chloride a reactant or product?

It can be either, depending on the reaction. Sodium chloride is a product of the reaction of sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid. Sodium chloride is a reactant in the ion exchange reaction in a water softener to remove calcium from hard water.

Is chlorhexidine identical to sodium chloride?

Definitely not! Chlorhexidine is organic and covalently bonded while sodium chloride is inorganic and ionically bonded.

The product of the synthesis reaction between sodium and chlorine gas is-?

The product of the synthesis reaction between sodium and chlorine gas is

Is sodium bicarbonate a product or a reactant?

It depends. If sodium bicarbonate is added to something in a chemical reaction, then it is a reactant in this case. If a chemical reaction forms sodium bicarbonate, then it is a product.

What is the product of a reaction that take place when sodium oxide combines with water?

The product is sodium hydroxide. The reaction equation is Na2O + H2O -&gt; 2 NaOH.

The product of the synthesis reaction between sodium and chlorine?

NaCl or sodium chloride.

What happens when sodium and chlorine make sodium chloride?

A chemical reaction occur and sodium chloride is the product.

Reaction between methyl salicylate and sodium hydroxide?

Product depends on reaction conditions and quantity of sodium hydroxide used in the reaction. Initially sticky product [sodium salt of methyl salicylate] will form that on heating will effect saponification [hydrolysis of ester] resulting in sodium salicyale.

What are the chemical products?

Product is the outcome of reaction. A + B --&gt; C In the above reaction A and B react together (reactants) to give product C. In a reaction, we can have 2 products. 1 is a product wanted and the other is byproduct.

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Sodium chloride is the product of reaction between sodium hydroxide and hydrogen chloride.

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