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p-aminobenzoic acid and ethanol in the presence of sulfuric acid yields benzocaine.

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Q: What is the product of p-aminobenzoic acid and ethanol?
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An ester , Ethylbenzoate and water.

What is the end product of anaerobic respiration?

""Besides energy, you also have lactic acid as a byproduct which is very dangerous if not removed quickly by repaying the oxygen debt.

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The product is Ethanol. Phosphoric acid is the catalyst here. The equation for the reaction is: C2H4 + H2O -----> C2H5OH

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the main products are : ethyl acetate, acetaldehyd, acetic acid, hydrobromic acid and ethyl bromide

Is ethanol a strong acid?

No. Ethanol is generally not considered an acid at all.

How stearic acid convert into ethyl stearate?

Mix Ethanol with Stearic Acid, use Sulfuric Acid as catalyst. Sulfuric Acid can be pre-diluted into the Ethanol. Boil the mixture under reflux. may need to do a few times after each reaction cycle, to use water to wash out the access ethanol & reaction by-product = water. Then re do the same, mix ethanol+sulfuric acid into the partial reactants (Stearic acid + Ethyl stearate) to fully convert the Stearic acid into Ethyl stearate.

What plant is ethanol made of?

There is no plant that is made of ethanol. Ethanol is a biomass energy source made of grains and corn.

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What is the end product of fermentation in animals?

It produces Lactic Acids, ethanol, hydrogen gas, Sugar, Carbon Dioxide.

What product forms when ethyl benzoate is treated with water and hydrocholride and heat?

Hydrolysis - the ester would be hydrolyzed to its component acid and alcohol (benzoic acid and ethanol, respectively).

Is ethanol a mixture of compounds?

No. Ethanol is also alcohol. Ethanol is a compound. It is not a mixture.