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Babies who suffer from IUGR are at an increased risk for death, low blood sugar (hypoglycemia ), low body temperature (hypothermia ), and abnormal development of the nervous system.

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Q: What is the prognosis for babies afflicted with intrauterine growth retardation?
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In about 15% of cases, the baby is severely affected and dies before birth. Babies who survive pregnancy may develop kernicterus, which can lead to deafness, speech problems, cerebral palsy, or mental retardation.

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Drinking during pregnancy causes fetal alcohol syndrome. Babies with this condition have problems with learning.

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Pregnant women should be educated about the risks of drinking and the need to maintain good nutrition during pregnancy.

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some symptoms you can have with pku is babies can have brain damage which causes mental retardation another symptom is the baby can stunt its growth and your baby is most likely to stay small for life

Is the incidence of Down syndrome increasing?

Yes, it has actually, by over .1 % a year due to the increase of drug use.

What is the most common affliction affecting babies less than a year old?

There are so many afflictions affecting babies less than a year old. They could have more problems if they are premature. Babies can be afflicted with Colic, ear infections, meningitis, pneumonia, diaper rash, the flu and the common cold. Getting the proper care and treatment are crucial for these little ones!

How many fontanelles are there?

Babies have six, four of them are closed during the intrauterine life. Posterior fontanelle is closed when baby is born, but it can be closed 2-3 rd month. Anterior fontanelle which is closed last, must be closed at 18th month lasltly.

What are the early stages of intrauterine life?

The reason you have not received an answer to this question is because political correctness has taken over the medical field -- if doctors answer the question - what are the early stages of intrauterine life - then they have to admit that a fetus is alive in the early stages of development. Of course, we all know that nothing on Earth can grow if it's not alive -- remember Stephen King's novel, "Rose Red"? It was a HORROR story about a house that grew. And why was it a HORROR story? Because everyone knows that NOTHING CAN GROW IF IT'S NOT ALIVE. If babies are not alive inside their mothers, then there is no reason for the terms, "intrauterine life" and "extrauterine life." Mark my words, they'll be phasing these terms out in time.

How many new cases of congenital CMV disease occur every year in the US?

About 40,000 babies are born in the U.S. each year with CMV. CMV is the second leading cause of mental retardation, after down's syndrome.

What is the life expectancy for Sandhoff disease?

The prognosis for Sandhoff disease is poor. Affected babies usually do not survive past the age of three and typically, death occurs due to complications associated with respiratory infections.

What is the prognosis for cytomegalic inclusion body disease?

Most people who are infected with CMV display no symptoms and have no residual effects of the infection. However, in immunocompromised people, newborns, and unborn babies, the infection can cause serious illness or death.