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The property of solids in which they enlarge when warmed is thermal expansion. The opposite, shrinking when cooled, is thermal contraction. This property greatly effects how bridges, sidewalks, and concrete roads are made. They all have "expansion gaps," gaps between sections that allow the sections to expand in the heat of summer. Without those, the concrete would break and the bridges would warp and bend.

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Q: What is the property of matter where it changes volume when it changes temperature?
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Is volume a measure of the quantity of matter?

Volume is not a chemical property of matter. It is actually a physical property of matter. Since volume changes based on the amount of matter, it is an extensive physical property.

What state of matter does not change in volume?

Changes in the states of matter - or phase changes - do entail changes in volume.

What are property's of matter?

PROPERTIES OF MATTER 1. A Substance may be identified by certain Qualities, or Traits. A QUALITY OR TRAIT THAT IDENTIFIES A SUBSTANCE IS CALLED A PROPERTY. 2. The property of a substance stays the SAME even if the Volume changes. 3. COLOR, MASS, SMALL, DENSITY, AND COMPOSITION ARE ALL EXAMPLES OF PROPERTIES THAT CAN HELP SCIENTIST IDENTIFY SUBSTANCES. 4. A PROPERTY THAT ALWAYS STAYS THE SAME IS CALLED A CHARACTERISTIC PROPERTY BECAUSE IT IS A CHARACTERISTIC OF A PARTICULAR KIND OF MATTER. 5. EVERY SUBSTANCE HAS TWO KINDS OF PROPERTIES - PHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES. 6. A PHSICAL PROPERTY is a property of matter that can be OBSERVED or MEASURED WITHOUT CHANGING the composition of the substance. 7. Physical properties are often used to identify substances. 8. SOME PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER: A. BIOLING POINT - The temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid to a gas. B. CONDENSATION POINT - The temperature at which a substance changes from a gas to liquid; same temperature as boiling point. C. DENSITY - The mass of a specific volume of substance. D. FREEZING POINT - The temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid to a solid; same temperature as melting point. E. MELTING POINT - The temperature at which a substance changes from a solid to a liquid. F. RESISTANCE - The opposition of a substance has to the flow of electric current. G. SOLUBILITY - The degree to which a substance will dissolve in a given amount of another substance, such as water.

The density of a substance is a state of matter of the substance?

The density is not a state of matter; the density is a property of any materials, depending on temperature and pressure. Density = Mass/Volume

Which is a physical property of matter?


What is the property of the solid?

A solid is one of the four states of matter. The properties of solids are the structural rigidity and resistance to changes of shape and/or volume.

What happens to volume as temperature changes?

if volume of a gas increases temperature also increases

What are the specific properties of matter?

Matter is defined as a physical substance having mass and volume. Because of these two properties, it will also have weight (due to gravity acting on its mass) and density (the ratio of mass to volume). The mass also implies inertia, as energy must be applied to affect the motion of matter. For chemical analysis, the fundamental properties are: INERTIA - resistance to motion due to mass MASS - the amount of matter in an object VOLUME - the amount of space an object takes up WEIGHT - a measure of the pull of gravity on an object DENSITY - mass per unit of volume SPECIFIC GRAVITY - density compared to a standard (water) also SPECIFIC HEAT - energy required to raise the matter's temperature

Is volume a intensive property of matter?


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What is the dependent variable in an experience that shows how the volume of the gas changes with changes in temperature?

The volume of gas

What is the dependent variable in experiment that shows how the volume of gas changes with changes in temperature?

The volume of gas