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Everything has start from somewhere. The datum level is the best place to start

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Q: What is the purpose of a datum level in construction?
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What is Land Surface Datum?

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Why is it important to establish a job datum?

The height that is used as the base level from which all other levels are established. Used in construction when when setting out a house. Also called a benchmark.

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A level

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any level surface from which vertical distances of the points above or below this surface are measured is known as datum

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The chart datum is about 825 mm below the mean sea level. This is usually a showing of the average of the lowest tides.

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Datum is an imaginary vertical plane from which all horizontal measurements are taken with the aircraft in a level flight attitude.

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Purpose in Construction

How can you describe how far an object is from sea level?

Sea level rises and falls, so a datum line was put by the British Ordnance Survey on a harbour wall at Newlyn, Cornwall. It is from this datum line that mean sea level is measured.

State maln purpose of a site datum?

to keep all materials in one place

What is reduced leveling?

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