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RPM packages are installation packages designed for Red Hat based system. They are similar to .exe files for Windows, and .deb files for debian systems.

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Q: What is the purpose of an rpm package in Linux?
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What does rpm stand for in Linux?

It stands for Red Hat Package Manager, which is a package management system that will run on Linux.

What is RPM stand for in Linux OS?

Redhat Package Manager

What command is used to remove an RPM package from Linux?

yum remove -y (specific package name)

How do you install RPM packages in windows?

While RPM was originally part of the RedHat Linux distribution, RPM viewers / extractors are now available for most platforms including Windows. A search on 'RPM Viewer' or 'RPM Windows' will come up with more than a few options, such as IZArc, 7-Zip and BitZipper. Well, RPM is the RedHat Package Manager and RedHat is a distribution of Linux. To make use of .rpm packages under Windoze one would need to run some type of virtualization (for example, VMware). RedHat Linux can then be installed as a virtual system and the .rpm package can be installed within it. The .rpm package format is somewhat of a defacto standard and many different flavors of Linux can deal with it.

How can you check if an RPM is already installed on a Linux machine?

rpm -q pkge_namethis command will query the specifid package if it is already existing,otherwise it will give message that package isnot installed.

What is different between RPM and yum command of Linux?

RPM is the extraction / installation component. YUM is the downloader. If RPM is run to install a package without its dependencies already installed, it will fail. YUM's job is to download all necessary dependencies.

What does the command RPM -Uvh pkg do?

In Linux it will install an RPM package with the following arguments: -U (upgrade) -v (verbose logging) -h (hash showing installation percent) This is great default way to install RPMs. If there is no existing package to upgrade, it will still install the package. If there is a newer version of the package already installed, it will tell you that and exit without error.

What is a package manager in Linux?

A package manager is a utility to install remove, upgrade, and track the dependencies of software in Linux.

What is the major achievement of Linux?

Package Manager is The Biggest Achievement of Linux

How do you install an RPM package in Ubuntu?

Generally speaking, you do not need to install RPM packages in Ubuntu. These are designed for other types of Linux distributions that use a slightly different way of installing software. The programs necessary to install such a package are not found on an Ubuntu system. Most programs that could be found in an RPM package are also available either in a .deb package (which you can install on Ubuntu) or in Ubuntu's repository, where it can be installed via Synaptic.If you absolutely need to, you can convert RPM packages by using a program called "alien." This converts the RPM package into its .deb equivalent. Note that this doesn't always work, and the installation could break your system in rare circumstances. To convert the RPM package and install the program, use the following commands:sudo alien -k rpmpackage.rpmsudo dpkg -i debpackage.deb

Where can you get OpenOffice for Red Hat Enterprise Linux?

Install your package from the package installer (through the RedHat network).If open office is a .org package then you need to install the wine package according to the Linux version you are using,then you can install and run all types of .org packages using the wine application in the Linux OS.

What is the YUM command in Linux and what does it do?

Yum is a command-line package manager commonly used in RPM-based distros. It uses the RPM file format for its packages. As the term 'package manager' suggest, yum can do things like install and remove packages from your system. Even though it is a command-line tool, there are programs which provide a GUI interface for yum, such as yumex (Yum Extender).