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—Reduce uncertainty

—Adopt a generalist approach to uniform handling of problem solving

—Establish indirect control over independent action

—Make quicker decision

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Q: What is the purpose of business policy?
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Purpose of business Policy?

Business policies are a guideline for doing business. When businesses create business policies it is generally a way to ensure that employees are acting on one accord.

What was the main purpose of open door policy?

To promote American business interest abroad-apex

What the are purpose of foreign policy?

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Evolution of business policy?

history of business policy

What was the purpose of the national policy?

the purpose of the national policy was to streghten canada.

What is the leave policy in gujarat as per shops and establishments?

Leave policy in India is that Sundays are always declared as holiday. But majority shops remains open on Sundays for their business purpose. A weekday off for the employees will be given if they work on Sundays for business continuity.

What does business policy means?

a business policy deals with the rules and regulations of that building.

What is the purpose of the monetary policy?

The purpose of the International monetary policy is tho survey the global economy.

Importance of business policy?

A written business policy communicates your companies expectations about employees appropriate employee work performance. Policy illustrates the acceptable performance boundaries.

What are the factors affecting business policy?

There are many different factors that affect business policy. These different factors range from shareholders to the dividend policy of a certain business.

Describe the evolution of the field of business policy to strategic management?

What are the Evolutiosn of business policy

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evolution of business policy and strategic management?