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To distinguish between acid fast positive and acid fast negative bacteria. Acid fast positive bacteria will stain red to pink color and acid fast negative bacteria will stain blue. Acid fast positive bacteria have mycolic acid in their cell wall, which will stain with carbol fuchsin and not decolorize with acid alcohol. Acid fast negative bacteria do not have mycolic acid in their cell wall, and become decolorize with the acid alcohol. Counterstain of methylene blue needs to be done in order to see the acid fast negative.

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9y ago

A differential stain can discern between two different types of bacteria. The names and purposes of the following reagents are: Mordant - A Gram iodine (named after Hans Christian Gram) stains positive bacteria crystal violet and the negative bacteria a red or pink color. Decolorizer - 95% percent ethanol is used to wash out crystal violet. Counterstain - a stain that will add a contrasting color to the principal stain which makes the stained structure easier to see.

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15y ago

to turn the non-acid cells a different color than the acid-fast cells

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To visualise what is not stained in the original stain.

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9y ago

In differential staining procedure the purpose of counter stain is to give a color of red to a gram negative bacteria. Counterstaining dye used is usually safranin.

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12y ago

A stain of a contrasting color used to color the components in a microscopic specimen that are not made visible by the primary stain.

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Q: Cite the purpose of following reagents in a differential staining procedure?
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Why gram staining classified as differential staining?

Differential staining is the procedure that are used to distinguish organism based on their staining properties. Use of gram stain divide bacteria into two classes - gram positive which retain crystal violet stain purple colour, gram negative which lose their crystal violet and give pink colour. By this method we can differentiate two different types of bacteria having different cell wall composition that is the reason gram staining used widely as differential staining

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What is the purpose of mordant stain in a differential staining procedure?

The resultant crystal violet- iodine (CV-1) complex serves to intensify the-color of the stain. At this point, all cells will appear purple black.

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Why gram staining is classified as differential staining?

Differential staining is the procedure that are used to distinguish organism based on their staining properties. Use of gram stain divide bacteria into two classes - gram positive which retain crystal violet stain purple colour, gram negative which lose their crystal violet and give pink colour. By this method we can differentiate two different types of bacteria having different cell wall composition that is the reason gram staining used widely as differential staining

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