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Some say that milk will make pastries fluffier.

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13y ago

It softens the crumb in cakes and breads (in a way that water does not) ; it also emulsifies all the ingredients together.

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Q: What is the purpose of milk in baking?
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Can you substitute all purpose flour for baking mix for easy chicken pot pie?

NO, baking mix usually has baking powder or baking soda in it and sometimes milk solids plus flour of coarse.

If the recipe calls for milk and you have sour milk how do you alter the baking powder and baking soda?

Add a teaspoon of baking soda for each cup of sour milk.

How do you get milk out of my car seats?

Put baking soda where the milk spilled and in a day the baking soda will absorb the milk

What is the use of milk in baking?

Milk is beneficial in baking by lending moisture, tenderness and smoothness.

What are the elements and compounds found in biscuits?

all purpose flour,baking powder,salt,shortening,and milk

How much milk is used in a day?

This question needs more context. Is it referring to a particular country or in the world as a whole? For what purpose? Drinking, cooking, baking? What type of milk? Goat, cow, camel?

How do you apply milk in baking?

Add the milk to the material.

What is the purpose of baking soda?

Baking and cleaning.

Is baking soda in milk?


What milk is best for baking cakes and pastries?

white milk

Do milk frothers come in handy in baking?

No- baking rarely needs milk to be frothed. In baking, egg whites may need to be fluffed, cream may need to be whipped, but milk almost never needs to be frothed. Milk frothers are more related to coffee drinks, cappuccinos etc., than to baking.

What proteins in milk make a cake rise?

It's not the milk alone that makes a cake rise. If the recipe includes milk it probably also contains either baking powder and/or baking soda. This combination of a base (Baking soda or Baking Powder) and an acid (milk) causes a slight chemical reaction which causes the cake to rise.