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Today, the Reichstag building still serves as the German parliament.

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Q: What is the purpose of the Reichstag building today?
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What is the parliament building in Germany called?


What is the building called where the congress works?

the Reichstag

What was the reichstage?

The Reichstag was the name of the German parliament from 1871-1945 and also of the building where it was housed in Berlin. The Reichstag (building) is still used to this day as the German seat of Government, for the parliament building.

Does Germany have a capitol building?

Yes. It is called the Reichstag.

Where is the historical building Reichstag located?

The historical building named the Reichstag is located in Germany. A dedicated agent will be happy to help you find more information on their official website.

Where is Reichstag in Nuremberg?

The building is located in Berlin, not Nuremberg. The assembly which meets in the building is now called the Bundestag (Federal Assembly) rather than the Reichstag (Realm Assembly).

What is the capitol biulding of Germany called?

It's called "Reichstag" It was the Reichstag (Reich - Empire) but today is the 'Bundestag'.

What is the German reishtag?

The "Reichstag" is a building in Berlin where the Bundestag meets.

What is the Name of German government building?

Der Reichstag in Berlin.

What was the German capital building during World War 2?


Was Reichstag the last building in Berlin to be under German control?

Yes, the Reichstag was the final stronghold in Berlin when the Russians kept advancing deeper and deeper into the city on May 8 they attacked the Reichstag and took control of it raising the Soviet Flag above it.

What does the word reichstag's means?

The Reichstag was the elected Assembly in Germany prior to the Nazi takeover. Originally, it had a minor political role, but after the downfall of the Kaiser (the monarch) at the end of World War I, it took over the role of making laws. After the Nazis rise to power, a number of laws were passed via the Reichstag which cut it off from making many important decisions. The Reichstag is also the name of the building where the assembly met. The building was badly damaged by a fire in 1933, then by air raids in World War II. During the Cold War, the West German government set up a government in Bonn with the Bundestag replacing the Reichstag. After reunification, the Bundestag moved back into the Reichstag building in Berlin, which was restored.