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The purpose of a comma is to separate a sentence that has more than one clause that cannot be linked coherently, or to add extra information about a subject. An example is: Cats are furry, they can jump high.

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Q: What is the purpose of the comma sign?
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$ , % Dollar sign, Comma , Percentage

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There can be. Commas are used to break up long strings of numbers and a comma or space can be used for this purpose in any base. A word of warning, though. In some European countries, the decimal "point" is a comma and the thousand separator is a point. The role of the comma and the point are swapped around.

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In a pocket PC telephone you enter a comma sign to act as a pause.

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Une virgule (fem.) is the ponctuation sign called a comma in English.

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Use the less than sign and the 3. The less than sign is the comma key plus shift. <3 < 3

Choose the symbol that will make this problem correct.\a = -9, b = -7, c = 11ac ____ bc?

answer sign comma

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Warning sign of possible danger ahead

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They are called symbols. The money sign is the currency symbol. The comma is the thousands separator symbol. The percent sign is the percentage symbol.

Such as a comma b and c or a comma b comma and c People say the last comma before and is not necessary?

last comma before the and is not necessary