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The purpose of using arrays in C is to store multiple values in one variable. Then you can make programs that use arrays like lists, printing values from multiple arrays into one line. It take memory in continues block then we can know memory location easily. We can retrieve data quickly.

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Q: What is the purpose of using arrays in C language?
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What are the data type in c language?

Some of them are: 1. char, short, int, long, float, double 2. pointers to these 3. arrays of these 4. arrays of pointers 5. pointers to arrays ...

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void mail ( ); { int a, b c = a+b; printf ("%d",=c); }

What are the differences between structures and arrays?

Arrays are collections of repeated data items. Structures are complex data items made up of other data items, including, potentially, other structures and arrays. You can, of course, also have arrays of structures. Array items can be accessed by using its subscript whereas structure items can be accessed using its dot or "arrow" operator in C, C++, C#, Java, and JavaScript.

To enter n nos without using arrays in c?

Use a linked-list.

Are arrays in C created on the stack or the heap?

That depends on where you define them. Arrays defined inside functions are declared on the stack (like other variables defined in functions). Arrays defined outside of any function, or using the static keyword inside a function are allocated in the static data area of the program. Other arrays may be allocated using malloc() (or "new" in C++); these are allocated on the heap.

Do you have pointer concept in c plus plus language?

Yes. All string variables are pointers as are other arrays.

What do you mean by c taken programming in c?

A C program is a computer program written using the C programming language.

C language using list?

C is a is defined by the c language

What is the required syntax for creating C arrays?

The required syntax for creating C arrays include the brackets, array size, variety length arrays, codes like std:vector, classPTR, and many more to create C arrays.