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One tablespoon (14.79 milliliters) of soap to one gallon (3.79 liters) of water is the ratio of soap to water to spray lupines for aphids. A little bit will be effective since home-made and store-bought insecticidal soaps kill insect pests by the equivalent of drowning and suffocation. A large amount of soap will not have the environmental impact of huge amounts of high-concentrated vinegar even though it may be irritating to edible, ornamental or wildflowering plants.

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Q: What is the ratio of soap to water to spray lupines for aphids?
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How much water do lupines need?

Lupines need water regularly depending on how dry the soil can get. Make sure the soil doesn't dry out completely. Lupines need TLC.

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Use an insecticide spray for aphids, or try spraying them with a solution of dish soap and water.

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If your roses have aphids spray with an insecticide. If you are organic use soapy water or wash off with a hose.

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A teaspoon of dishsoap and fill the rest of the spray bottle with water. Best way to kill them and it also prevents them from coming back. This spray actually works on all plants and is safe for humans and your pets.

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sounds like aphids. you can try to spray them with diluted soap water or buy a systemic bug killer.

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Those miniscule moths are most probably aphids, the bane of all gardeners. You can introduce a natural aphid predator such as ladybugs and attract them by planting fennel or dill. You can spray your plants with neem oil for an organic solution. You can also make a spray yourself by mixing in one quart of water 1TBS vegetable oil and two or three drops of any non-bacterial liquid soap. Hose plants first to remove aphids then apply spray. Hope this helps! Thanks for the help, but I'm sure they aren't aphids. They are moths the size of poppy seeds.

How do you care for lupine?

Lupines, once established, are very easy of culture. They grow in any soil which does not contain lime. The roots are large and long and readily exhaust the soil of its food materials, so each year the ground should be enriched with plenty of stable manure. It is best to grow them in moist situations, but if this is not possible they should be watered well during dry weather. Lupines dislike to be moved so they should be planted and left alone. If the flowering stalks are cut down, the plants may bloom the second time in September. One thing to look out for when caring for your lupine is fat, silvery or slightly blue aphids. Aphids love lupine's soft, tender leaves and will quickly devour your plant. Be ever vigilant and be ready to spray them off of the leaves with a hose, spritz them with soapy water, or pluck them off by hand. You can also purchase ladybugs or a praying mantis egg cases, both of which are insects that love to munch on the juicy aphids. Do keep in mind, though, that they may not necessarily stay where you want them to. Lupines are easily raised from seed and the plants self-sow if the soil is not too dry. The seeds should not be covered deeply when planted and can be sown at any time. The plants can be divided or cuttings can be made by using the rather hardened wood, or side shoots. This should be done in the Spring.

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How do you mix Dawn dish soap and water to spray plants to control insects?

It's a 1:1 ratio. The amount of the soap and the water depends upon the potency and speed of application. But it's a 1:1 ratio, be it one tablespoon of soap to one cup, quart, or gallon of water.

Do butterflies eat aphids?

Butterflies do not eat aphids or any other bugs. They consume an almost entirely liquid diet of water and nectar.