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Because the leaves they eat (off a special type of tree) are incredibly high and the giraffes need long necks to reach them!

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14y ago

A giraffe's neck is long because they are plant eaters and so they could eat their food from trees.

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13y ago

So they can eat leaves from trees.

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Q: What is the reason for Giraffe's Necks to be so long?
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Why do giraffes evolved with long necks?

Giraffes evovled with long necks so they can reach the tree and eat the leaves.

How does a giraffe's neck gets so so long?

The reason why giraffes necks get so long is because they have to eat and the stuff that they eat is on the trees so they have to have long necks to get the stuff off the tree

How are giraffes long necks adapted to their?

because your mom said so

What would need to happen so that giraffes with really long necks evolved?

I'm guessing that food was scarce near the bottom of trees, so giraffes with longer and longer necks generally outlived the giraffes with shorter ones.

What are structural adaptations for giraffes?

As giraffes eat leaves on taller trees, they have adapted long legs and long necks so they can easily reach the leaves on the taller trees.

Darwin and Lamarck had different ideas about why all giraffes now have long necks why?

Lamarck would have said that the ancestors of modern-day giraffes had short necks but stretched their necks as they tried to reach leaves in trees; so, their descendants were born with longer necks. Darwin would have said that in a population of ancestral giraffes, some had slightly longer necks than others; the long-necked giraffes were better able to feed on tree leaves and as a result produced more offspring. Over time, the proportion of longnecked giraffes in the population increased.

If Lamark and Darwin had debated why giraffes have such long necks how would their explanations differed?

Lamarck would have said that the ancestors of modern-day giraffes had short necks but stretched their necks as they tried to reach leaves in trees; so, their descendants were born with longer necks. Darwin would have said that in a population of ancestral giraffes, some had slightly longer necks than others; the long-necked giraffes were better able to feed on tree leaves and as a result produced more offspring. Over time, the proportion of longnecked giraffes in the population increased.

How do giraffes get leaves from a high distance?

There necks are really long so they can reach the leaves at a high distance

Why is a giraffes have long necks?

It is an adaption that they got through the years so they could reach the tall trees they feed on.

What geraffe s eat?

Giraffes eat leaves from the highest tree branches; that is why God made their necks so long!

Why did giraffes have short necks?

They do not have short necks. They have very long necks. compared to their body size they have short necks because when they try to drink water they have to spread out their legs to reach water so they could be attacked and if they were they would be very vulnerable.

How can giraffes survive in the grasslands?

They are herbivores so They survive by using there long necks to reach the trees and eat the leaves on there. Also with there tallness most predators do not go for them because Giraffes are bigger then them. :)