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reasons for salivation of mouth when a favourite food item is imaniged

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Q: Why salivation of mouth when a favourite food item is imagined?
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Related questions

Why does salivation occur when a favorite item is imagined?

Because your body is reacting to the thought of having food in its mouth, and is preparing to break the food down with enzymes.

What triggers salivation?

The medulla of the brain controls salivation due to a trigger such as the thought of eating food.

What triggers anticipatory salivation?

Anticipatory salivation is triggered by conditioned stimuli that have been associated with the ingestion of food. For example, the sight or smell of food, or even certain sounds or words related to food, can induce a physiological response in the form of salivation. This anticipatory response is a learned behavior that helps prepare the body for digestion.

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Salivation when a hungry person smells something edible is a natural response. The body anticipates eating when it smells food and sends the message to the mouth to produce more saliva to help break down the food.

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Salivation is the function that helps digestion by keeping the mouth moist and comfortable when you chew and swallow. The salivary glands secrete saliva for this purpose. The saliva also moistens the food (a physical change), and begins to chemically alter the food with enzymes (a chemical change).

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