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Q: What is the reason oak trees in the temperate forest need adaptations to survive in the winters?
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What are the adaptations of the oak tree need to survive in the temperate forest?

I don't know but if someone in Biology set 1 with miss bott at swinton reads this, then tell me.

What is an coniferous?

Temperate coniferous forest is a terrestrial biome found in temperate regions of the world with warm summers and cool winters and adequate rainfall to sustain a forest.

What adaptations do omnivores have to have to survive in the temperate forest?

Many animals are well adapted in the temperate deciduous forest , many animals thrive on berries, nuts, and seeds that are abundant in the deciduous forest. predators such as wolves, snakes, and hawks have a wide variety of smaller animals such as wood mice, squirrels , and chipmunks to prey apon.

What do moose need to survive in the temperate forest?

i love cheese

Why does a rain forest have more biodiversity than a temperate forest?

tropical ecosystems are more diverse than temperate zone ecosystems because

How do fruit bats survive in the temperate forest?

Most survive by eating bugs like most bats.

What is an adaptation that does not help animals survive long winters in the coniferous forest?

Bright Colors

How do birds survive in the temperate forest?

Well I can't really say. Because it depednds on their surroundings and what type of instincts they have to survive

What biome is Alabama in?

Temperate Forest, not a Temperate Decidious Forest.

How do temperate rain forest different from tropical rain forest?

Temperate rain forests are usually coastal and have cooler summers and milder winters than Tropical rain forests. Also Temperate rain forests have summer fogs that keep it moist. temperate rain forests also have lots of moss and consists of Deciduous trees.