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Regular call options have limited risk and unlimited upside gains while binary call options have limited risk along with limited upside gain.

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Q: What is the relationship between a regular call option and binary call option and a gap call option?
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Relationship between a regular call option and a binary call option?

While the CALL options remain the same for both regular and binary options, the difference being that with binary options you don't actually own the asset you are trading on. It is based on mere speculation of the market movements.

What is the difference between regular options and binary options?

A regular option increases it's payoff the more the underlying passes the strike point. A binary option pays off a fixed amount based on whether the strike point was passed or pays nothing if it wasn't.

How many option does binary choice offer?

By definition Binary is Either or Or, Yes or No, On or Off.

What is the Relationship between option price and exercise price?

For a call option, the option price is convex and decreasing with increasing strike price, assuming a fixed maturity and same underlying price.

What are binary options?

Binary options are a type of option where the payoff is either a fixed amount of compnesions if the option expires in the money or nothing if the option expires out of the money. Basically, it's based on a yes/no prosition. There is a greater risk of fraud with this trading platform.

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Reebok pumps have the option of pumping the ankle support up

What are the drawbacks of the binary search?

The only drawback I know of is that binary search requires that the list already be sorted. So if you have a really large unsorted list than binary search would not be the best option.

What are the advantages of binary betting?

Binary betting is the action of betting on more than one potential. Binary Betting displays the odds of a bet index and the settlement amount depending on the bet. Binary Betting has a fixed odds system and are free of tax duty. Binary Betting may be an option for start up traders.

What is a Forex binary option?

Binary Options are a type of trading where you invest a stake based on if you think the option (currency, stock, indexes, commodities etc.) will rise (Call) or fall (Put) by a certain expiry. If at expiry the option has gone in the direction you thought it would, then you receive a payout. If it doesn't you lose most if not all of your investment.

Where one can find an online binary code translator?

There are a number of translators on the internet for working with binary. A few of these sites are QBit, Convert Binary and Binary Translator. Every site may not offer or translate accurately into a users desired format. Having multiple sites for comparison would be a good option.

Why are MAC addresses written as six pair of Hexadecimal numbers?

Any data is stored internally in the computer as binary digits, but those are "bulky" - you need 4 binary digits for every hexadecimal digit, so hexadecimal is really a kind of shortcut to write out binary numbers.Decimal is another option, but conversion between binary and decimal is more cumbersome than with hexadecimal. Therefore, for the new IP addresses (IP version 6), they decided to write them down in hexadecimal, instead of the decimal that is used for IPv4.

Where should one invest between growth or dividend?

Each scheme has its own pro's and con's. If you want a regular income on your MF investments go for Dividend option. If you do not want to disturb your investment for a long time and allow it to grow go for the Growth option.