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In the alkali metals column (Group 1), atomic radius increases down the group and reactivity increases. There are more shells preventing the attraction between the positive nucleus and negatively charged outer electron. (All Group 1 elements have 1 electron in their outer shell). Also, because they contain more shells down the group, the distance between the nucleus and electrons is increased. Therefore the electrostatic force is lessened between them. Both of these allow the outer electron to be lost easier to other elements, thus increasing reactivity.

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15y ago
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13y ago

At least for the Alkali and Alkaline Earth metals, the higher the ionization energy, the less the reactivity.

This is because when a metal reacts, it loses electrons to form ions with stable electron configurations.

When a lot of energy is required for it to lose electrons, it is going to be less likely to react than a metal that easily sheds electrons.

Therefore, the lower the ionization energy, the more reactive a metal will be.

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12y ago

At least for the Alkali and Alkaline Earth metals, the higher the ionization energy, the less the reactivity.

This is because when a metal reacts, it loses electrons to form ions with stable electron configurations.

When a lot of energy is required for it to lose electrons, it is going to be less likely to react than a metal that easily sheds electrons.

Therefore, the lower the ionization energy, the more reactive a metal will be.

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11y ago

what can you deduce about the relationship between electron affinity and reactivity of non-metals

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9y ago

For metals in the same group, the higher the atomic number the higher the reactivity. This trend is seen as one moves down a metal group.

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11y ago

Group 1 elements have larger atomic radius and greater reactivity than that of the adjacent group 2 elements.

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9y ago

When the atomic radius decrease the ability to loss electrons decrease.

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9y ago

Reactivity of metals describe the order of sequence of metals depending on reactivity. Potassium is at the top of reactivity series.

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