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The patellar region is DISTAL to the femoral region.

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Q: What is the relationship between the patellar and femoral region?
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What are the medial muscles of the femoral region?

What is femoral region?

The femoral region is the area of the body that runs along the hip to the knee. Basically, it is the whole thigh area of your leg.

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What is the effector involved the patellar reflex?

In order to provoke the patellar reflex one must strike the patellar tendon with a tendon hammer (and only a tendon hammer, striking with an ordinary hammer is ill-advised). In other words, strike the region immediately below the patella.

Is the femoral region proximal to the plantar region?

No, the femur is closer to the head than tarsals

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The pulse site in the groin area is the femoral artery. You can palpate this just superior to the anterior iliac crest.

What part of your body should you uncover to show the lateral femoral region?


What is the relationship between the geography in your region and the activities people theredo for fun?

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What major nerves arise from the sacral?

The nerves that arise from the lumbar plexus are femoral, obturator, lateral femoral cutaneous, genitofemoral, illoinguinal and illohypogastric nerve. As part of lumbosacral plexus, it is the nervous plexus that is found in the lumbar region.

What is the area between the hips and the crotch called?

it would still either be your stomach or your hip or your crotch. there really is no area between them. so sorry if i didn't answer your question right.