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reverse process of vector addition is vector resolution.

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What is reverse process of vector addition

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Q: What is the reverse process of vectors addition?
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How are displacement combined?

by vector addition?

What is the difference between vector addition and algebraic addition?

There is no difference between vector addition and algebraic addition. Algebraic Addition applies to vectors and scalars: [a ,A ] + [b, B] = [a+b, A + B]. Algebraic addition handles the scalars a and b the same as the Vectors A and B

What is scalar addition?

The additional of scalars (normal numbers), as opposed to the addition of vectors.

What does the addition of 2 vectors give you?

a resultant vector

What is the purpose of vector resolution in adding vectors?

Vector addition does not follow the familiar rules of addition as applied to addition of numbers. However, if vectors are resolved into their components, the rules of addition do apply for these components. There is a further advantage when vectors are resolved along orthogonal (mutually perpendicular) directions. A vector has no effect in a direction perpendicular to its own direction.

What is the condition when two vectors are addition and subtraction are same magnitude?

The condition is the two vectors are perpendicular to each other.

Velocity addition is used when motion involves?

Velocity addition is used when motion involves vectors.

What' does the addition of two vectors give you?

In vector addition, the sum of two (or more) vectors will give a resultant vector. There are a number of sites that will help you with tutorials. A link to one can be found below.

Does addition and subtraction of two vectors obey the commutive law?


Is the order of addition important when three or more vectors are added?

No it has no effect.

How can vectors be added in either order?

Addition is commutative, A + B = B + A.

What is the sum of to vectors?

A variety of mathematical operations can be performed with and upon vectors. One such operation is the addition of vectors. Two vectors can be added together to determine the result (or resultant). This process of adding two or more vectors has already been discussed in an earlier unit. Recall in our discussion of Newton's laws of motion, that the net force experienced by an object was determined by computing the vector sum of all the individual forces acting upon that object. That is the net force was the result (or resultant) of adding up all the force vectors. During that unit, the rules for summing vectors (such as force vectors) were kept relatively simple. Observe the following summations of two force vectors: