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The mitochondria synthesizes the proteins, made by the ribosome, in order to make energy for the cell. The mitochondria is like the power house of the cell.

The mitochondria does not synthesize proteins for the cell. It is merely the power house.

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Q: What is the role of mitochondria in cells?
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What is the role of mitochondria in the syntheseis of molecules?

Mitochondria are the power house of the cells. Mitochondria produce ATP, molecules necessary for energy in every in every cell. Mitochondria are highly independent and seperate on their own on cell division.

DO prokaryotic cells have mitochondria?

No.. only eukaryotic cells have mitochondria...

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Cells need energy to function and to fulfill this important role, cells have specialized organelles that provide the cell with energy. This specialized organelle is called a mitochondria.Mitochondria is the organelle that supplies energy to the cell. Mitochondria stores metabolites and degrades and recycles macro molecules.

What Cells do not have have Nuclei or Mitochondria?

Red blood cells do not have nuclei or mitochondria.

Do snakes have a mitochondria?

yes snake CELLS do have a mitochondria, and the cells are inside the snake so technically the snake does have a mitochondria.

Do amoeba have mitochondria?

Amoeba are eukariyotic cells.So they have mitochondria.

Is the mitochondria located in animal cells?

Yes, mitochondria exist in animal cells.

What have in mitochondria?

Eukariyotic cells have Mitochondria.But extreamely specialized cells lack Mitochondria.

What organelles are involved in energy transformation in the cells?

Mitochondria and chloroplasts are involved in energy tranformation. animal cells: mitochondria plant cells: mitochondria and chloroplasts

Why mitochonria have their own DNA?

Mitochondria is suspected to have been a unicellular organism that invaded cells. All cells have DNA. The mitochondria then stayed in the cells which explains why there are mitochondria in cells now.

Are mitochondria associated with bacterial cells?

No, mitochondria are only present in eukaryotic cells. Bacteria are prokaryotic cells.

What has mitochondria?

Every living thing has Mitochondria.-Chloe Salom Many eukaryotic cells contain mitochondria. Prokaryotic cells do not.