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Q: What is the role of the clerk in the Australian house of representitives?
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In Cuyahoga County and indeed the majority of districts, the role of the Clerk of Courts is to carry out all the administrative duties pertaining to the running of the Court.

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The legislative roles of both the houses are nearly identical. There is a limitation placed upon the upper house in that so called money bills can not be introduced in the Senate, but these days with party politics this is a mere formality. The Senate, or upper house, is known as the House of Review, in this role it acts as a check and balance on the government (who holds a majority in the lower house).

What is the clerk's role?

Principally to advise the speaker and the members on policy and protocol.

What are the roles of the senate and the house of representatives in austrilain government?

The House of Reps and the Senate make up the Australian Parliament, their role is to debate and pass laws. They both have largely the same power, except for money bills, which must originate in the Reps, and the Senate through the committee structure, has a oversight role.

What is the work of bank clerk?

There are different types of bank clerk jobs so the work that you will be doing can vary. For example, if you are a loan clerk, your job will be to record and organize loan details. If you are a statement clerk, your role will be to process monthly balance sheets for customers who hold a checking account.

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probably most of them

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Justin Bieber is Cody Simpson's role model. He says this in his interview for Australian Times.

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Long Tan was the Australian Army's first large battle of the Vietnam War; and was recorded as an Australian victory.

How did the role of matheship in World War 1 form an Australian indentity?

it didnt

Which Australian actor plays the tittle role in the film 'hulk'?

Eric Bana.


Eric Bana.