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to make the pasta and other meals you like

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Q: What is the role of the grandparents in the Italian family?
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What is the role of grandparents in the past?

role of grandparents in past is different from the role of grandparents is hectic for all generations and even families who live near each other

What are the roles of the grandparents play in the family?

Grandparents often play the roles of providing wisdom, support, and connection to family history. They can also offer emotional support to their grandchildren and serve as additional caregivers or mentors. Additionally, grandparents play a pivotal role in passing down family traditions, values, and cultural heritage to the younger generation.

Is joe mantegna Italian?

Yes. He is an Italian American whose grandparents were Italian immigrants.

Is there a chance to be Italian if you're great grandparents were Italian?

First of all subsitute "you're" with "your" !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, of course... If your great grandparents are Italian, your parent is Italian, meaning you are Italian. You just become less and less Italian as it gets bred out. You will always be what your ancestors were.

What is the Italian family like?

The Italian family tends to be traditional in the way in which it's organized and operates. For example, children tend to grow up in a two parent family. They also tend to grow up with steady interactions with their extended family of aunts and uncles, cousins, nephews and nieces, and grandparents.

What is 'grandparents' in Italian?

"Nonni" is an Italian equivalent of "grandparents."Specifically, the Italian word is a masculine plural noun. Its plural definite article is "i" ("the"). Its plural indefinite article is "dei" ("some").The pronunciation is "NOHN-nee."

What is 'great grandparents' when translated from English to Italian?


Is grandparents a collective noun?

No, grandparents is a common plural noun. Appropriate collective nouns might be family or clan. Grandparents are members of a family or clan.

Who was avi's role model when he was young?

his grandparents

Is Michael Buble Italian?

No. He's Canadian, but his grandparents were Italians.

What is the importance of elders and grandparents in your family?

importance of elders and grandparents in your family?

An extended family includes parents children and occasionally grandparents?

extended family do include parents children and occasionally grandparents.