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The answer depends on what the question is! Is it the rule that is required, or the next term?

There are many rules that can be used to generate this sequence. One possibility is

Un = (347n5 - 5290n4 + 30685n3 - 82910n2 + 103368n - 45720)/120 for n = 1, 2, 3, ...

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Q: What is the rule and the next terms to this number sequence 4 11 21 51 101 501......?
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What make a number sequence?

A number sequence is an ordered set of numbers. There can be a rule such that the next number in the sequence can be determined by the values of some or all of the preceding terms in the sequence. However, the sequence for a random walk illustrates that such a rule is not necessary to define a sequence.

What is the next number in the sequence 972324108?

You could be asking two different things, but most likely the first."What is the next number in the sequence 972, 324, 108?"To determine the next number in a sequence you need to define the rule of the sequence first. The rule is the relationship between two of the terms. Let's compare the terms.972:324=3:1324:108=3:1972 is three times the value of 324. 324 is three times the value of 108. This means that each number is one-third the size of the previous number. Label the next number X.X=108/3X=36The sequence is 972, 324, 108, 36."What is the next number in the sequence 972324108?"In math, a sequence is a list of numbers in a special order. Multiple numbers are needed to created a sequence. 972324108 is only one number and therefore is not a sequence.If you are asking what number comes after 972324108, 972324109 comes after it.

What is the next number and the rule for this sequence 68143286248?

3^n+5. Next is 734

How do you find the next term of a sequence number?

The first step is to find the sequence rule. The sequence could be arithmetic. quadratic, geometric, recursively defined or any one of many special sequences. The sequence rule will give you the value of the nth term in terms of its position, n. Then simply substitute the next value of n in the rule.

What is position -to-term rule in maths?

It is the description of a rule which describes how the terms of a sequence are defined in terms of their position in the sequence.

How do you find the next number in a sequence?

It all depends on the sequence you are talking about. For example, the next number in the sequence 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,_ would be 21. This would be the Fibonacci sequence as the rule is add the 2 previous terms to get the next term. Another example would be this: 11,121,1331,14641,______.The missing number is 161051, following the pattern of powers of 11, 11^1, 11^2, 11^3 and so on. If you understand what I am trying to say, it all depends on the sequence you are trying to find the number in.

What is the rule for the number sequence 1 6 16 31 51 76?

The rule is 5 10 15 20 25 30 .... etc and accordingly the next number in the sequence will be 106

What number follows 984339.78?

A sequence of numbers normally follows some rule (unless it is a random sequence) and no rule can be inferred from a single number, however, I can still invent one. My nomination is 984,339.79 as your next number.

What number would come next in this sequence 14 20 26?

It looks like these are adding 6 to get the next number, so in that case the next number is 32. But, to be a bit pedantic, the series could be "add 6 for 2 terms, then add 5 for 2 terms, then add 4 for 2 terms, etc for ever. In that case the next number is 5. Or the rule could be something else. Unlikely, but beware of these things.

What does sequential patterns mean in math?

A sequence is an ordered set of numbers. There may be a rule governing the sequence such that, if you know the numbers in the sequence up to a particular point, the rule will allow you to deduce the value of the next number in the sequence. That rule - if it exists - is the sequential pattern.

Write a rule to the sequence 10 8 6 4?

Each subsequent number in this sequence is 2 less than the previous. It is extremely likely that the next number in this sequence is 2.

What number comes next after 1 4 5 7 9 11?

I'm fairly sure you meant the "4" to be a "3" in this sequence. There is no "next number" in the sequence given, since there is no rule that encompasses the entire sequence. And to be fair, in number sequences, any number can still logically be "next". If it's not the number that you expect, it is still a number sequence. It is just not a predicable one.