

What is the scientific name for the hectors dolphin?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Cephalorhynchus hectori

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Q: What is the scientific name for the hectors dolphin?
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How much does hectors dolphin weight?

In terms of weight, the largest Hectors dolphin Weighs about 130 pounds

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Dolphin scientific name?

The scientific name for a dolphin depends on the species of dolphin. The common bottlenose dolphin is the Tursiops truncatus, and the Indo-Pacific dolphin is the Tursiops aduncus.

What is the weight of a Hectors dolphin?

50 to 100 pounds

What is a scientific for a bottlenose dolphin?

Tursiops truncatus is the scientific name for a bottlenose dolphin.

How can you help save the Hector dolphins?

Hectors's dolphin can be saved and not become extint if people don't polute and fish for these endangered species.This is what is causing hectors dolphin to become extinct.

Is the hectors dolphin native in new zealand?

yes, yes it is

How many hectors dolphin are believed to survive in the wild?


What is the scientific name of the bottle- nosed dolphin?

Scientific Name: Tursiops

What is the scientific name of the bottle - nosed dolphin?

Scientific Name: Tursiops