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it is considered assault..and you can go to jail for it. i did. got off with 5 years probation... serious stuff.

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Q: What is the sentence for biting another human?
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Is biting your wife against the law?

Yes, biting another human being is battery and it is illegal if it is nonconcensual.

Can you make me a sentence using biting?

My baby brother is biting me.

Parasitism is an example of?

One animal living off and harming another. Such as a mosquito biting a human.

What is a sentence using the term back biting?

There was a lot of back biting and finger pointing in the classroom today.

What is a sentence for nail-biting adventures?

All of the episodes of "The Perils of Pauline" depicted her nail-biting adventures.

How do you use biting in a sentence?

Nail biting is a habit disorder and it should not be overlooked, otherwise it will become an uncontrollable habit.

What is a sentence with the word biting?

I can give you several sentences.The fleas were biting the dog hard enough to make it yelp.She made a biting remark and hurt his feelings.Are the fish biting today?

How can you use the word habit in a sentence?

She had a habit of biting her nails.

Can a werewolf in human form infect another human?

Yes. As long as it's a werewolf, no matter the form, it can infect another human. Biting the human will kill it or turn it into a werewolf too.

What is a sentence with the word capillary?

while i have to point out that is a sentence, here's another one: capillaries are small blood vessels in the human body.

Can a human bite through human skin only by biting down?

Don't be ridiculous, you're not a zombie are you?

Does nail biting of Chameleon cause harm to the human?

dog cat's is the answer